Quarter Share

Click here to enroll in Quarter Share.

I love The Deconstructive Theatre Project, and I want to help it grow. What can I do?

First off, thank you! We love you, too. Second, tell me if this sounds familiar: You’re a young professional. You enjoy art, culture, iced coffee, and probably Downton Abbey. You’re the kind of person who’s worked hard to buck the trend of living in your parents’ basement, and you’ve landed a sweet grown-up job of your own. You’re a big fan of theatre, but between that fancy job, searching for a gentleman caller, drinking whiskey with your friends, and trolling the obituaries for the elusive rent-controlled apartment you can now afford, you don’t have a lot of extra time in your calendar. That said, you still don’t want to totally abandon a personal relationship with the exciting contemporary New York City art world.

If this sounds like you, then you’ve come to the right place.

How does Quarter Share work? (The nitty-gritty.)

Members of Quarter Share commit to a regular tax-deductible contribution of $25 per month over the course of a single year. 85% of contributions made to the program directly support The Deconstructive Theatre Project’s artistic and community service programming, and the remaining 15% supports Quarter Share social and cultural engagement activities.

Quarter Share is a way for a large group of individuals to make an impressive collective impact on the arts.

Click here to download the complete Quarter Share one sheet with more information on the details of the program.

Click here to enroll in Quarter Share.

2013-2014 Quarter Share Members

Jen Browne
Amy Campo
Ryan J. Davis
Amanda Dieli
Janna and Alan Hansford
Cyndi Harbeson
Andy Jones
Christopher Kennedy
Ryan Kennedy
JC Pavlick
Callan Riedel
Cliff and Carla Riedel
Steve Simas
Adam J. Thompson
Ronan Tiongson